Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Changing my exercise routine - more calories?

So I decided to kick my exercise up a notch by adding a second "session" on the exercise bike. As I am getting smaller I know that I need to change it up in order to keep on losing weight and the best way, I figured, was to move my body more (more calories Out). Then I was entering my cardio in Sparkpeople and there was a message referring to too much exercise, need to adjust my calories, blah, blah, blah. So I did what was prompted and changed my daily exercise from 40min to 70min and it increased my recommended daily calories by 400 a day?!? Is this really going to be effective? Am I really going to increase the amount of weight I lose each week if I have to eat more calories? Does this work? I am skeptical and so far have not increased my calorie intake, but have not lost weight any quicker like I hoped with my increase in exercise. Ugh. Sometimes trying to figure out my body and what it wants in order to drop the fat makes my head spin. I am going to give it a couple more weeks of more exercise - same calories - and see if I am still not losing weight quicker like I wanted.


Heidi said...

Been there, done that :-) My exercise levels are up to extreme levels (near 600 minutes a week) and my calorie intake has definitely increased. You just can't work that hard without your body needing more. However, I'm not trying to lose any more weight right now so my situation isn't exactly the same-- just keep in mind, if you don't get the minimum cals your body needs for all that cardio, it will burn something you don't want it to (like muscle) and you will slow your weight loss down even more.

Amy said...

I'm no expert - by any means!! I wouldn't go overboard in adding extra calories, but eat smart and eat the fuel you need before and after the extra workouts - whether it's more carbs or protien.. and let that be your extra calories.

Something to take with a huge grain of salt... I heard that for The Biggest Loser show - they did all that exercise and ate only 1200 calories a day. Not necessarily the best advise - but my point was - they didn't workout 8 hours a day and eat 3000 calories either.

spice2116 said...

i just need to work out lol have fun changing it up.

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