Thursday, August 26, 2010

Another life-style change

Starting tomorrow (payday) I am putting myself on a strict budget. I am going to get myself out of debt. Now, this shouldn't seem like something that is hard to do. I am pretty lucky that I don't have many bills to pay (car payment, insurance, HOA fees, Netflix, & Tivo). My husband takes care of the big bills (mortgage, electric, gas, water, & cell phones). So you might be thinking to yourself - why is she even in debt?? I ask myself that question often but the fact is I have a shopping issue.I love to buy things, which I can keep under control pretty easily if I am not on a diet. Huh? How are the two things related? The pleasure I used to get from eating a really good piece half a pizza I now get when buying things. If I am bored and start thinking about snacking I decide to go to Target, get a green tea at Starbucks, and just buy a few (or twenty) things. I have fun and enjoy having new things. No, I did not get into deep debt by target shopping (treadmill, TV for exercise room, new couch, new dressers, bed, get the idea) but it is not helping things. I need to cut out the needless shopping and pay off my credit cards. I do plan on having another baby one day but I have made a promise to myself that I can't have another child until...

A. I am healthy, not just weight but overall
B. I have no debt so the chance of me being able to stay home and not work greatly increase.

So I am feeling the pressure (from myself) now that I am getting closer to my healthy goal that I need to get my act together in the debt goal. But the question remains - can I cut out useless shopping and junk food at the same time??? Am I going to go back to my unhealthy eating habits? We shall see.

1 comment:

brooke said...

i urge you on in your grand quest! i'm on the same one! although i've a feeling mine's much worse. you can do it though. we JUST started our super strict budget last week, after months of collecting every single receipt to see where our money goes. most the time? it's to food. groceries and eating out, which i HAVE to minimize. you can do it! it's very sobering.