Friday, August 6, 2010

Chub Club

I started a post on Wednesday about how much I enjoyed my run that morning. I had run for 2.5 miles and felt awesome during and after I was complete. I felt empowered, my body was strong, and I was in a good mood all day. Flash forward to today. I went for a 2 mile run this morning and HATED it. I was tired, out of breath, slow, and just overall not feeling the vibe. I think this is why so many people don't run (this is just a guess) because even when you think you've got it down, at least on small runs, you go back to feeling like it is Day 1 all over again. At least this time I have the memory of how great it was on Wednesday and will just keep going with the hope that my next run will feel like that (it better, it will be 55minutes long...).

In other weight loss news...I have been doing a Virtual Biggest Loser contest this summer that is coming to an end soon. I have to say that I thought this would motivate me but I found myself not caring if I didn't win the big prize - after all I only put in $10 - and I have found myself slowly snacking more and more. If the summer has been hard I can only imagine how hard the fall & Holidays are going to be. I love baking an it is almost impossible for me to go through the fall and the holidays without baking things. So I need more motivation. So I joined something called the Chub Club. Its like the virtual biggest loser only in person (we have to weigh in In Front of each other)and with a lot more money to lose. The rules are as follows:

• Beginning on Sunday, August 8th and ends on Sunday, November 7th. This will give me 16 weeks exactly and give me the extra push before the holidays (during which I basically want to just maintain my weight or lose a few lbs)

• The initial buy in will be $50.00 (that's a lot of money to me - I have to go into this trying to win)

• After that, it will be $10 every time you weigh in and have gained weight and $5 for every time you weigh in and stay the same. (money motivates)

Pretty strict weigh-in rules and I seriously debated whether to go into this because if I keep doing what I have been the last two months then at the very least I would have had to pay out $5 frequently but I guess that's where the motivation comes in. The hope is that when I am thinking about not measuring out my food and just eating til I feel like it is a serving, I will remember that now if I gain weight or even not lose weight, I've got to fork over the big bucks! I am excited for this but a little scared. I think it will motivate me but there is a small chance I could end up paying out a lot of money. I will keep you updated. Have a happy Friday!


spice2116 said...

good for you for making the steps to try and lose more weight. the chub club sounds interesting but it will definitely give you more strength to have people there. wondering if they are going to change their name when everyone turns skinny lol

Heidi said...

Wow, what a leap! Go Amy!!

Sooze said...

I know exactly what you mean about your runs! Some days it makes you feel amazing and powerful, and others you just want to crawl back home. Hang in there! After every bad run I always had another one that reminded me why I actually enjoy running.