Thursday, August 19, 2010

Did you know....

If you lie to Sparkpeople about the food you eat during the day your body isn't fooled? I sometimes find myself eating a large banana but selecting medium or entering .25 avocado when it was really .5. I am not sure why I do this but clearly some little unreasonable part of me thinks that if it isn't in sparkpeople than it didn't count. Foolish, foolish girl.

I came in first for week 11 of the virtual biggest loser which only happened because of my weight loss from being sick (I have already gained back .5lb since I started eating normal again). So I was happy but not super overjoyed, there is no way I am going to win or probably even come in 2nd or 3rd but at least this helped me stay on track for most of the summer (worth the $10 I say). Maybe part of my problem is lying to sparkpeople...


Alissa said...

Congrats on the week win!!! I feel the same way... kept me more on track than I would have been without the challenge so totally worth the $10!!!

spice2116 said...

you are so funny. dont lie to the sparkspeople because they can track you down and sit on you :p lol