Monday, August 16, 2010

Fake Weight Loss

So I've been sick for the past three days, haven't felt like exercising or eating, ever. So when I weighed myself this morning I had lost 5lbs from Friday. This would have been really exciting last week before I got sick but since I have been sick, I know this is just an illusion, a weight loss apparition. I cannot let myself get excited about this loss because as soon as I start eating normal food again the weight will all come back - or worse more weight will come back because I have slowed down my metabolism by not eating most of the weekend. Being sick is overall Not Fun, but I think its just cruel for my body to lose weight that I know is not staying off. I mad at the future weight gain that is going to happen. I mad that a tiny part of me is excited about the weight loss but I can't really be excited because I am 99.9% sure it is not real. So, I have fallen behind on my running and have false weight loss hope. I'm grumpy. Being sick is no fun.


Siobhan said...

Hope you feel better soon. I'm the same way with weight loss apparition. I have to know it's going to stick around before I'll claim it.

Heidi said...

Being sick is definitely blah. I hope you feeling better soon too.

spice2116 said...

such a bummer that you have been sick!! hope you get to feeling better. sometimes sickness can be good to where it cleanses the system to start of eating better :)

Dr Eric Berg said...

Get well soon my dear. And start your day after it. By eating proper food and a healthy lifestyle to reach your goal to have a fit body.