Wednesday, August 18, 2010

That Person

The most exciting thing happened yesterday - my wedding ring fell off! Granted, I was flinging my hand to see if it would fall off but still I was so excited that it actually did. I've mentioned this before but this is a big thing for me because it was one of my low moments when I decided to get it re-sized bigger. That was a sign to me that I had given up. I had decided that I was never going to lose weight, that is was impossible. Honestly, if I hadn't started having health issues that scared me into losing weight I am sure I would still be 250lbs. Even if I had scary health issues but didn't have my daughter here for me to stick around for, I probably would have given up by now. But as I've mention before, my daughter keeps me going. I want, I need, to be here for her. So when other people struggle or give up when on a weight loss journey I completely understand. I was That Person 5, 10, a million times before and still have That Person inside me talking me into poor choices here and there. My biggest fear is that I will still let That Person take over one day and I will gain all the weight back. I won't let That Person back in. I will be strong.


brooke said...

Yay for flying wedding rings! You are truly an inspiration!!

Lissy said...

I love the way you put things - that granted line is so you.