Monday, June 21, 2010

Clear sign of insanity

My sisters are both planning in participating in a Ragnar relay next winter and have now gotten me to commit to participating with them, because clearly, I have gone insane. For those of you who don't know (like me a week ago) what a Ragnar relay is you can check it out here. It is basically running 202 miles through the mountains to the desert with a team of 12. So, its a relay, that takes like a couple of days to run. Somehow I am supposed to be able to run around 18 miles, in shifts, with no sleep, in about 9 months??? Something is wrong with me. The high from running a measly 3 miles went to my head and I thought for a moment I can do anything. The thing is, its a team event, so I can't quit, I can't go snail slow, and I can't give up and die. Pressure, intense pressure. We shall see if this actually happens because we still need one more person to commit, but I am already scared out of my mind.


Alissa said...

I am in awe, amazed, excited and scared for you!! Congrats on the commitment... I know you'll give it your all!!

Sooze said...

Whoa! You're crazy... crazy awesome! That's super exciting, you can totally do this - I looked at the training schedule and I have complete faith that you can and will accomplish this one. Sounds like so much fun!

Missy said...

You can do it! You really can! Go girl! :)

Heidi said...

Hah! I 2nd the insanity, but you know we are going to have some major bragging rights when we finish!!! (And we will finish, I have complete faith in you.)