Friday, June 11, 2010

Visual Aid

Does anybody else need visual reminders of why you are working towards a goal? I put this up in my room:

This is my goal weight/size dress. I bought it last January hoping to be able to fit into it by New Years Eve 2010 and if so, my husband and I could go out and celebrate. Yes, I hung this up on the wall in our room and I am sure that people who come to our house think me a little ridiculous but I don't care, I want to see what I am working towards.
Sometimes when I am working out, I pull out my phone and look at the picture. I think how much fun it would be to slip it on and feel beautiful. Don't get me wrong, my goal through this is not just to look beautiful. In fact, that is probably only 10% of my motivation. I would love to be healthy. I would love to get pregnant a second time and not worry about how being overweight might be affecting the baby and labor/delivery. But I can't hang that on the wall. I can't think of a visual aid for the healthy part of my goal. So there is this dress and I love it. It represents health and beauty. It represents future me and I love it. 


Sooze said...

You are going to look so awesome in that on New Year's Eve!!

brooke said...

Nice! I love it! I did that...only with a pic of me in my bathing suit years a goal to get back there. Still workin' on it!

Amanda said...

Oh, that's neat! Especially with the message above it. That's a great idea.

Lissy said...

Great idea, and very elegant! :)