Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back on track

I have been getting lax in my dieting. I stopped entering my food into sparkpeople, I stopped exercising on the weekends, and basically gave myself a lot of passes on the weekend to eat crappier than I should. This stops today, TODAY. I am no where near my goal weight. Sure, I am a lot closer than I was 6 months ago, but that does not mean that I don't have to put in the effort anymore. This happens to me a lot. I get to a place where I feel more comfortable, maybe even attractive, and I start to lose motivation. So starting today I am getting back on track, which includes:

  • Entering everything I put into my mouth in sparkpeople
  • Stick to my 10k training schedule, which means running 3 miles today.
  • Measure everything I eat. No more eye-balling serving sizes
  • Stay 100% on plan on the weekends. Stop thinking the weekend means I can have more calories
These are my goals for this week. Hopefully I will be able to stick with it - there is money at stake! I want to win the biggest loser competition (or at least be at the top one week...) but really I just want to know that I can stick with it and reach my goal. Nothing would feel better than knowing that I am strong enough to finish what I started, right? Right.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Congrats on recommitting. It's too easy to stray from our plans, isn't it? Keep up the great work!

I love that picture, btw. Chocolate labs are so adorable!