Thursday, January 27, 2011

A little, tad bit, frumpy today

Holy Moly I am Sore today... Not all over but I can definitely tell the areas that I clearly never use because they are SORE. So even though it is not the most enjoyable workout I think I need to keep doing it on my off running days to build up those sore muscles. So overall I am a fan of the Biggest Loser Cardio Max and I think I might even branch out into the other biggest loser workout DVDs - $5 at target cannot be beat and I really enjoy working out with regular people on the video and not super skinny, never sweat, people on most videos.

Other than working out, things are blah today. Sparkpeople is not working from my computer - I'm not sure if the company I work for added it to the blocked sites (doubtful since I am currently typing this post on my work computer) or if the site is down. Which isn't horrible that I can't enter my calories but its still bugging me. I also am having the horrible nauseous feeling you get when you are pregnant - you know if you've been pregnant - where the idea of almost all foods except for junk makes you a little sick and even a lot of junk foods still make you feel sick. I blame my Birth Control for this - I missed a day so I doubled up today which means hormones galore in my body right now. Fun Times. Is this something you wanted to read about? I bet not. I'm in a bit of a crappy mood. I'm not grumpy, just icky feeling. Anywoo...I should probably stop typing before I decide to share something else no cares anything about.

Calories Consumed yesterday: 1771 (I think...I know it was 1700+, but with sparkpeople down I am not sure of the exact number)
Calories cosumed today: 1200 (this is a complete guess since I haven't entered my food in)

Exercise Yesterday: Biggest Loser DVD - 1 1/2 times (long story) for a total of 70min

Current Weight: 161.5 (blah)
Lbs to goal: 36.5 (duh)

Time to get back to work. Only one more work day this more day, one more day, one more day (chant it with me....)


Heidi said...

Hmmm, if you get some other videos maybe I could borrow one and see if I like it...only I'm afraid of making myself sore and being unable to move the next day and get the running in (like a couple of weeks ago).

Hang in there, Amy. Boo on hormones that make you feel nauseous. Hopefully that is really short lived.

Sooze said...

Glad to know the video worked well, and for only $5 I may have to check one out myself!

Sorry about the ickiness. I totally sympathize.