Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Running Mojo

Starting last night as I was riding my stationary bike I was already dreading getting up today because I knew I had to run for 50min - yep, I still don't really enjoy running. Except this morning. I got on the treadmill and started running and its not that I loved it, but it wasn't that hard to run. I finished my 50min no problem and probably would have kept going if not for the fact that I needed to get to work. It was awesome, running is so much more enjoyable when I am not constantly looking at the time and calculating how much longer I have. I can only hope this lasts through Saturday because I have to run for 80 minutes!! That seems impossible to me. Children's movies aren't even that long because that would be too long to hold their attention. Scary. But maybe today's mojo will last - who knows maybe I will even like running from now on....One can dream right?


Jean said...

I like it!!!

Heidi said...

Send some of that mojo my way!!