Thursday, September 16, 2010

Emotional Eating

Bad stuff is happening and it makes me want to eat. Not fruits and vegetables, JUNK. Its not even bad stuff that is happening directly to me, its just in the peripheral of my life and yet I still feel like I should eat. Where does this come from? Why can't I be one of those people who loses their appetite when stressed or depressed? At least I am recognizing it and staying clear from junk food which means I've come a long way. However, my first instinct is still to turn to food to make it all better (for a mili-second) - will this habit ever go away? Probably not, I am sure I will battle this for life and  I can only take it one day minute at a time.


Heidi said...

I have this problem oh so badly too. It is the main reason we can't EVER have ice cream in the house. Every time things got stressful with my kids or my house or my life I would get a spoon and finish off the carton for sure. (As it is, I stick a fudgesicle in my mouth-- or two. OK, I'm still coping with food, which isn't good, but at least it's only 80 calories instead of 800.)

mom said...

good job resisting, Amy----tap it out (remember how?) karate chop, under the eye, top of the head, under the arm, collarbone....don't worry about getting it right, it all helps. :)

spice2116 said...

hahahaha oh my gosh, your mom said stuff my mom does. sorry i had to laugh because i know what she is talking about. anywho, i am bummed you are having a rough time, hope it gets better for you