Monday, November 8, 2010

Chub Club - Results

The Chub Club competition that I have been competing in has come to an end and I WON!!! WAHOO!! In the end I won $335, which will definitely help with Christmas this year. My results are as follows:

184.6 to 159.4


Arm - 11.5" to 11"
Thigh - 22" to 21"
Calf - 15.5" to 14.5"
Bust - 41" to 36.5"
Chest - 35.5" to 33"
Waist - 39" to 36"
Hip - 47" to 41"

I'm not really sure how accurate the measurements really are since I didn't really pay to much attention to the tape being in the same exact spot every week. And the weight is about 2lbs higher than on my home scale. But overall I am very happy to see some results :) Below is the picture I took for the virtual biggest loser, which ended about the time the chub club started and then a picture I took this morning (um, sorry about the quality, I suck at picture taking)



Not a huge difference but still there.

I wanted to find a picture of myself from before I lost all this weight, but my choices are poor since I hid from the camera at every turn, but here is weight loss progress in pictures:

 This is me the day before my wedding (Nov 2007) I weighed about 230-235

Now, this is me about a month into this lifestyle change - I weighed about 236 here (from the side, sitting down is never flattering, even now I refuse to take a picture at this angle but this is the closest I have to a beginning picture this year):

Now the one from this morning side-by-side with the one 3 years ago:

 I have come a long way and needed the visual reminder myself of how much work I am put into this. It is no longer a marathon, but more of a 10k. I can't give up now, I have come too far.


spice2116 said...

amy this is so freaking awesome!! congrats, you are doing amazing. it is amazing the motivation and the push those contests give us.

Heidi said...

I think it's wonderful!! You truly don't look like the same person anymore, and it's not just that you've gotten slimmer-- you just look so much healthier and happier in general!


Heidi said...

I just noticed that I'm in the background of one those pre-wedding pictures. It was at my high-non-pregnant weight, and I don't look like the same person either. Hooray for that too!

brooke said...

it's truly impressive what you're doing! i can't get over it at all. you have such a cute little waist too!! must be fun!

Amy said...

Heidi - I saw that picture of you in the background too and was shocked at how much weight you had lost, I mean I knew is was a lot but it was different to see it :)

Sooze said...

Great job!! You're doing so wonderfully! Congrats on the win, that's got to feel great too!

Kaycee said...

I follow Heidi's Blog. I am a distant cousin. I wanted to check out your weightloss. you did awesome!!! you look great!