Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday Plan - Update

Sooooo I made a holiday plan a couple weeks ago and at my first real test I totally failed on sticking with it. Thanksgiving came and went and I "took a break" with my eating for the entire weekend. I feel ok with this except for the fact that I had made a different plan and didn't stick with it, very like the old me who would always fall off the diet wagon around Thanksgiving. I would always tell myself that I would get back on track Friday and it would always turn into Monday and then Monday came and it turned into waiting till New Years. If I don't get back on track today then I have a serious problem but I think I will be ok today, that is part of why I am writing this post. Hopefully, if I put it out there for everyone to read then I will be able to get back on track. I am pretty sure I can - much more sure than I would've have been in years passed. The good news is that I kept up with all my exercise this past weekend and I didn't gain too much weight. This is different than my behavior I the past. A lot of times if I was taking a break from dieting then I was taking a break from exercise as well. Also, I ran the 10k on Thanksgiving and it was awesome - I will do a separate post on it soon. I just wanted to write a quick post this morning to help keep myself on track today!


Heidi said...

I'm getting back on track too!! No more eating while I read. It's been killing me this weekend.

All the goodies around didn't help either.

Lissy said...

Go Amy! What is your daily exercise routine? How has it evolved? I need to establish one badly.

Amy said...

Thanks Lissy!
My exercise routine has evolved based on what type of race I am training for. I basically googled til I found a training schedule that someone else came up with for a 5k, 10k, ragnar, half-marathon, etc. And on my non-running days I ride a recumbent bike to cross train....but if I wasn't running and using other people's training schedules then I would be lost. In fact, after the ragnar training is over I am little worried about how to figure out my daily exercise routine. Help any? probably not ;)

Lissy said...

Thanks! You could always just keep following the schedules you've used pending race or not :)