Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Supergirl 10k

I signed up for my first 10k today, and this time I promise I will actually run in it. As we get closer to fall in AZ it seems like there are a ton more races to choose from and, initially, I was going to find a 5k to run since I know for sure now that I would be able to complete it. However, it occured to me that running a 5k might not feel like much of an accomplishment since by the time the race comes I should be running, at minimum, 3 miles 4 times a week. So I signed up for a 10k. Down the street from my house. Yup, I will be able to pretty much walk there if I wanted to. Huge bonus for me. Not having to wake up and drive an hour just to get to the race will be nice, but more importantly, the chances of my husband actually showing up and cheering me on increase like a bazillion percent and that would be nice. Just to have someone there to witness the accomplishment. When I bailed on the 5k part of the reason was the fact that he had no desire to go with me and watch me finish. I shouldn't need anyone, but for my first race I would like someone there to witness, to take pictures, and to basically support me.

The one drawback to the race is something I had no idea even existed: it is superhero themed. Huh? They want you to dress as your favorite superhero. Already I am going through my head of superheros trying to remember one that dressed in shorts and a tank top...if anyone knows if this superhero exists, let me know. I will start googling XL supergirl costume to see if any of them come as shorts and a tank top (supergirl was my favorite).  I am new to this running thing and I can't imagine running in tights and a cape or in full costume like this guy. Will I be ostracized for not dressing up? Am I going to stress about this until the morning of the race? Yup. But I will finish this, how can I bail on three races? I can't, not an option.  I think I will let everyone in my life know I am running so I have NO CHOICE but to run. I can do and I will not fail.


Heidi said...

OH MY! Well, why can't supergirl wear shorts and a tank top? Just make sure there's a big S on your chest.

brooke said...

That's AWESOME!!! I love that you're running as a superhero! Just make sure that you wear a cape. Make up your own superhero, and WEAR A CAPE. It'll be awesome! I'm almost jealous that I don't get to run it! Wait...when IS it? Maybe I could!

spice2116 said...

you can so make supergirl out of tanktop and shorts. red and blue and add some gold :) fabulous job at entering a race

missy said...

Awesome! Go, you!

Yeah, what Ginger said. I don't think you need to be super elaborate. Just look cute. Maybe some face paint.