Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I made it!!

This morning I weighed in at 206lbs which is not a significant number to most but that is the what I weighed before I got pregnant. I was on a diet at the time so I was recording my weight in FitDay (the only time I record my weight is when I am on a diet). I remember wishing I had lost more weight before I got pregnant but I was happy that I had lost the 30lbs I had. I remember feeling good about myself but when I got pregnant there was no way I could have continued the diet I was following and instead of trying to eat healthy and not gain a ton of weight, I used being pregnant as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted. I gained a ton of weight, I was 270 at my last Dr appt before I had my daughter. I lost 20lbs just having her because my doctor appt 4 days after she was born I weighed in at 249 and have been hovering around there for over a year. So, even though 206 usually isn't a number people are excited to see, I jumped up and down when I got off the scale this morning!

In Other news...I have been struggling with the C25k lately, I decided to try doing it outside on Monday because it was nice and cool outside in the morning and it was HARD. I knew that it would be harder for me but I was a little surprised how hard it was. So I didn't make it the whole 25 minutes without any walking. I stopped twice and walked for about 30 sec and I feel ok about that. I mean, 2 months ago I wouldn't have been able to run more than 1 minute (if that) outside. I am kind of breaking free from the C25k schedule though. I am running 25 minutes minnimum but will go longer if I feel I can (which, hasn't happened yet) hopefully that will happen soon because I signed up for a 5k next month and even though I know I don't have to run the whole thing, thats my goal - no matter how SLOW I am running, I would like to run the whole thing. So at my pace that means running for about 37 minutes straight and that boggles my mind. Hopefully I know I can do it, right?? Right.

1 comment:

Sooze said...

Congrats on your weight loss!! That's wonderful!

You can so do that! Don't you worry about being slow, I think my predicted pace for a 5K is around 41 minutes! Just keep training and you just may be amazed at what your body can do.