Thursday, May 20, 2010

Disneyland = best vacation for weight loss

Disneyland is the best place to go on vacation and eat almost whatever you want. Even though I went all crazy with the food, when I weighed myself this morning I was down a pound from last week!! Now, that's not huge if I had been sticking to my diet but I'll take it. We were at Disneyland for two days and both days we stayed for at least 14-15 hours (I'm hard core about getting my moneys worth and staying from open to close) our hotel was a mile away and we walked the distance. So minimum we walked 2 miles outside of Disneyland but inside the park we probably walked another 5-10 miles a day. Seriously. I should wear a pedometer next time. Both days by the end of the day my legs were sore and with all the running and bike riding that I have been doing, that doesn't happen much lately. Anyway, my point is, if you are trying to lose weight but want a vacation then an amusement park is definitely the way to go. Seriously so Stoked :-)

1 comment:

brooke said...

True THAT! I love that about Disneyland. Makes me not feel so guilty about all the churros and junk I eat while there. Glad you had fun!