Thursday, October 21, 2010

The price of weightloss (literally)

Warning: This post was too long for me to bother reading over and correcting mistakes, read at your own risk.

I have a crappy jogging stroller. I had no idea that there was such a thing as a "jogging" stroller that is not meant for jogging, only walking. So when I bought my jogging stroller I didn't go very high end because I figured they would all serve the same purpose, right? Wrong. I have had this stroller for about 5 months and I hate, HATE, running with it. It always veers off to one side, I feel like I am pushing all 21lbs of my daughter plus another 20lbs of stroller and I hate it, so I avoid running outside. The problem with this is that I LOVE running outside so much more than on the treadmill and my daughter loves it too (she is a true outdoor girl). So the other day I went for my run outside and HATED it. The jogging stroller was truly working against me, it was a struggle the entire time. At one point as I was running down the side of a pretty busy street (Rittenhouse/Gary for those of you who know the area) and there was a long line of cars waiting at the light and EVERY single person stared at me as I passed - not glanced at - but stared. I was actually pretty shocked, I mean - do I look that out of shape still that people feel the need to stare as I run past? Anyway so I get to the point where I am walking for my cool down and that is was I hear the plop,plop,plop...the front tire is 100% completely flat. No wonder people were staring I must have looked ridiculous. I had aired up the tire right before I left and looking back at how soon it was a challenge to push the stroller I am going to guess it went flat in about 5 minutes. So I got mad. I decided that I needed to research jogging strollers and get a new one (I know tires will go flat on any stroller, but this one has been a pain since the beginning). I went to the Internet and discovered a couple interesting facts:

  1. If your serous about running with your jogging stroller, Never get a swivel wheel. It will not be easy to control while running.
  2. The bigger the front wheel, the easier it is to push. 16" will do fine, but serious runners will want 20" because they will be the easiest to push.
My stroller is the exact opposite of these two items. I got the swivel wheel (good for leisure walks or the mall) and my front wheel is probably more like 10"-12".

So I immediately called my husband to let him know that since I was a serious runner (I guess?) and now I needed a serious jogging stroller, thinking it was no big deal. Um no, he was not OK with me buying a new one after only having this one for 5 months. His exact words were "just get a new tire tube and it will be fine. You can't spend $250 (yes, $250) on a new stroller that you don't need". This is where he and I differ, I think I DO need it. It is important part of running in my mind. Making it as enjoyable as possible so you get addicted and want to do it. I originally went cheapo with my jogging stroller because I hate investing a lot of money in something that I never use. I wanted to make sure I would use it before I spent serious money on it. Which brings me to the point of this blog post (finally):

 Weight loss is expensive...let me count the ways:
  • Stationary Bike: $600
  • Treadmill: $950 (including 3 year service plan)
  • Bicycle: $200
  • Bicycle seat for Olivia: $50
  • Exercise Ball: $35
  • Biggest Loser workout video: $10
  • Wii + wii fit: $350 (yup, I originally bought the wii just for the wii fit to exercise)
  • Serious runner exercise bras: $90 (for 2 - these were very expensive but so worth it)
  • Compression shorts: $120 (for 3 pairs, but totally worth it for running)
  • Asics running shoes: $120
  • Beginning Nike running shoes: $65
  • Television for exercise room: $450 (My husband and I went halvsies on this)
  • Oh yeah, Jogging stroller: $150
Total: $3190. Holy Moly. And most of these purchases were in the last year (except for the stationary bike and wii fit those were after I got pregnant two years ago). This doesn't count the race entry fees, a bazillion tank tops, shorts, shocks, regular cheap sports bras that I have purchased in the last year. No wonder my husband thinks I should stick with my current jogging stroller. Part of me agrees with him but the other part of me, the secret part, that thinks this is all a fluke and I am going to wake up a year from now back at 250lbs unless I find a way to enjoy activity and not force myself to endure what some days is considered torture with my current jogging stroller. And in case your wondering, its not an option to leave Olivia at home while I run - my husband travels for work every week Mon-Fri. So I am up for opinions - what would you do? Spend the money or use the current jogging stroller and consider it more of a workout because its an effort to push the stroller? Just  suck it up and only run on the treadmill?


Lissy said...

Get a new one - but try craigslist or something first! :) Your health and happiness is the most important!

Amy said...

Thats all the encouragement I needed. I just ordered one online. Thanks Lissy!

Amy said...

Fix the tire on the old one and sell it on craigslist - that way you aren't paying $250 for a new one... maybe $150??
I've thought abou tthe consts of weightloss before too - especially since I have a gym membership and I was doing weight watchers for a while. I better lose weight if I'm maying $100 a month to do so!!! Puts it in better perspective.

oh - but still get a new stroller!

Rachel Wattson said...

Totally try craigslist first. I found a dream of a jogger that was a double and could turn into a bike trailer for $85! No joke!

Heidi said...

No doubt about it, weight loss is expensive!! (And that doesn't even begin to cover the happy-- but expensive-- need to replace your entire wardrobe when it begins falling off your body.)

But keep in mind that the costs of being overweight are huge too. Not just in medical care (because it's no secret that being overweight puts you at risk for all kinds of serious and expensive health problems) but it also costs you in lost time and energy. Difficult to put a price tag on these things, I know, but I've found that I am able to handle the demands of running a house and parenting four kids and every other demand life makes of me so much better at a lower weight.

You've proven that you are a serious runner already. In my book, as long as you can find a way to pay for these things without going into debt, it's a good idea to have quality equipment.

(Wow, I just wrote a novel of a comment! Sorry.)

spice2116 said...

my jogging stoller has been flat ever since i have had it and i push it just fine. maybe that's just me lol but we got some goo stuff so it hasnt been flat since. mine also went to one side and i just had to fix the alignment of the tire. good luck!!