Friday, October 8, 2010

10k Race Jitters

Reading the title you might have figured I was running a 10k this weekend, right? Because who gets jitters for a race more than a couple nights before? Who gets jitters a whole week and a day before? That person may need to chill.

I am running in my first race ever, Next Saturday, and I thought I would handle it in stride and not be too nervous and I'm already freakin' nervous. I signed up for the Not Your Average Joe 10k (Click on the picture if you want to register :) ) and as I was running this morning on the treadmill I started to get nervous.  You see about a month ago I switched from outdoor running to treadmill running because it got too dark in the morning. And when I say too dark I mean it. My neighborhood is street light free, who knew such places existed? I had no idea and freaked out the first time I drove to my house and realized how dark it was. I never looked for street lights during the day and assumed they would be there, like every other house I have lived in. It is too dark for me to feel safe running, mostly because I have to take Olivia and it just doesn't feel safe until they invent a jogging outfit that lights up as bright as spotlights.

Wow, I got off track. Where was I? So I have been running on the treadmill and it worries me that I won't be able to run a 10k outside. I have no idea where this fear comes from. I ran outside a lot this summer, I know I can do it. I think part of me is just freaked out to be running in a race in general. I am worried about... what to wear - shorts or pants? ponytail or bun? Ipod or No ipod? Run with the person I know who is running the race too or leave her behind because she is slower than me?

I am sure in the end this will be a great experience and I am going to run outside tomorrow morning so I can get a feel for whether or not I am freaking out for nothing. But still, how do people get past the jitters? Will this happen for every race I sign up for or is it just first timer jitters? Will I drive myself crazy before next Saturday? Stay tuned.


mom said...

Well, after an eight mile run today, I'd say you are ready to go--it will be fun!

Heidi said...

I think you'll be fine, but I'm sure you will get even more nervous every day! (Speaking from experience.) Hopefully you will be able to sleep Friday night!

I wish I could be there to cheer you on-- good luck!!!!