Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Milestone

I never weighed myself when I was younger. I never really went to the doctor regularly either. So I'm not sure the last time I was in the 150's but I am guessing it was a looong time ago. When I got my license at 16 I estimated my weight at 180, so I must have gotten that from somewhere (or I very well could have pulled it out of the air). But that is what I have to go on. I am now in a new area, one I haven't been in since probably junior high. I NEVER remember seeing 15 in front on my scale. But this week, I got there. I weighed in at 157.8 this morning. This is what my fit day weigh in page looked like:

I am 12.2lbs above the healthy range. 12.2 lbs. It boggles my mind. I have never succeeded at anything in my life the way I am succeeding at this lifestyle change. It makes me proud of myself. When people tell me I look good, I tell them thanks and that its nice to hear. Because it is. Sometimes I still look in the mirror and think I could stand to lose another 50lbs but the more I hear from people that I look good, the better I feel. I guess I still need outside validation that I look ok. That I probably look normal to people who have never met me before. I am no longer starred at (or laughed at by kids) as I ride my bike around the neighborhood. I am only 12.2lbs overweight. I am at my lowest weight in my memory and it feels awesome.


Sooze said...

Girl you are so awesome!! Congrats!! Enjoy every minute of the accomplishment you've reached. It'll take a while for your brain to catch up with your body - years ago when I lost 60 pounds I'd still go into a store and pick up large clothes to try on - even though I could easily fit into smalls and x-smalls.

Keep it up!! (Oh and I love that my work verification is "supthot" -- like "super hot" ;)

Lissy said...

I never would have thought you were 180 in high school so you must look smokin' now! Go Amy! :)

Unknown said...

I am so excited for you! Amy you deserve every compliment you get. Just looking at your profile picture I think you look amazing! By the way, you inspired me to sign up for my first 10k. I have been running with my pooch an average of 2 miles 4x a week and about to kick it up to three next week. I only have 20-30 minutes to squeeze in the milage so I have to start waking up earlier... yikes! The race is Thankgiving Day. I'll be thinking of you;)

Heidi said...

I'm so impressed, AND I think you look amazing!! Keep up the good work, Amy!

spice2116 said...

so jealous that you are under 160's. i have been having a hard time getting motivated but now seeing your lower numbers i am so going to catch up to you ;P bring it! hahaha