Monday, October 18, 2010

10k Awesomeness

Friday before my 10k race I was a jumble of nerves all day and I was pretty sure I wouldn't sleep. I laid in bed for quite a while and finally fell asleep only to have 3 separate dreams (or nightmares) about horrible race experiences (coming in last, sleeping in and missing it, tripping and falling in front of "serious" runners). So I was pretty much a mess of nerves all morning and it only got worse as they made us wait an extra 25 minutes before starting while we waited for a superhero to show up (soooo lame and not worth the extra stress). I was pretty sure everyone was looking at me wondering what I was doing in the running group and not the walking side with the walkers. I was pretty self conscious, like I had a big sign or something that said "first timer and too big to actually run, I'm just fooling myself'". Then we started and it was awesome. We started out with a good steady pace and just trudged along. Soon enough we were passing people and I was assured that I was not going to come in last and I felt great. The running was actually easy. I'm not sure if it was the energy of the other racers or I a in such good shape now that running six miles is not that hard, but I felt great the whole time. It was AMAZING. I kept thinking as I ran how far I have come since last October. I used to walk for exercise and I would get tired walking 2 miles, I am excited that I started this journey in January and that I haven't given up even though I haven't been near perfect the whole time. Below are a few race pictures and my official results were:

Race time: 1hr 10min 4sec
11:17 minute mile
I came in 172 out of 278

Pre-Race Picture (yes, standing on my bathtub again)

Standing at the start line patiently waiting to begin

And we're off!!

3 Miles in and still going strong

Crossing the finish line....

Crossing the finish line still....

 Thats it - it was an awesome experience and I think I'm addicted!


brooke said...

YAY Amy!!!!!!!!!! That's so awesome! NOW....what you REALLY need to do is run the Mud Run with me in June! We can sign up for it in January! It's a blast!

Heidi said...

I'm so excited for you!!! It must feel so good to have come so far. I agree with you on the addictive part-- I guess that's why I keep doing triathlons.

Now, please, please, please don't get injured, OK? :-) Ragnar here we come!

Lissy said...

That's so cool! You look so young and pretty, and so much like your mom. It's been too long since I've seen you!

Jessica VZ said...

Congratulations! You did such a great job!

Sooze said...

I'm so proud of you! You've come such a long way and you're still going further. Congrats girl!!

spice2116 said...

amy this is sooo freakin cool!! good for you for getting your toosh there!! i am so excited for your future races ;)

and you look super hot!!