Friday, February 11, 2011

Not lost...

Just super busy with work and since I spend all day on the computer at work I hardly ever use the computer once I am off for the has been getting in the way of blogging time :)

Anyway, quick update. I have done pretty good this week. I went off track a little yesterday and ate and ate and ate way more than I should have but I recognized it and got on track at dinnertime and have been on track all day today. Mostly the reason I decided to post was to share how even though I have been feeling down about myself lately I felt pretty awesome just now, dancing with my 2 year old. She is the reason I started this journey and it has paid off. For the last 20 minutes we have been dancing away to the black eyed peas and it was fun, jump around the room, shake your booty, kind of dancing. It was awesome - I had a ton of energy, even after having run 5 miles only a couple hours earlier. I felt happy, happy that I have lost 80ish lbs, that I can dance and play with my daughter without feeling exhausted. This is so worth it.

Check in...

Calories yesterday: 2102 (yikes!)
Calories so far today: 849

Exercise yesterday: 20 minute bike ride & 4 mile run (9:30 minute miles)

Current weight: 163
Lbs to goal: 38

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Yay for more energy!!! I'm glad that you are feeling awesome.